Thursday Sep 15, 2022

Episode 24 - Narcissists Games - A Take Away From Rebecca Zung, Dr. Ramani & Jordi Universe

It was a lazy morning as I scrolled through my YouTube feed. There were three videos that caught my attention.

One was entitled, "Weird Things Only Narcissists Do," by Rebecca Zung. The next was, "When Narcissists Paint You As Unhinged," by Dr. Ramani. The last,  feel was a true gem. I thought about it all day. It was by Jordi Universe and entitled, "To You, A Year From Now." Jordi's message hit me hard and stayed with me throughout the day. It was compelling, beautifully done and asked the one question that leads to many more, "What if?"

Here are links to the videos:

Rebecca Zung:

Dr. Ramani:

Jordi Universe:


Below are the affiliate links to some of the books I've spoken of thus far in this podcast. They are ones that have greatly aided in my healing and I highly recommend them.

COMPLEX PTSD From Surviving To Thriving by Pete Walker

The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk:

Overcoming Toxic Parenting by Rick Johnson:

Healing Your Emotional Self by Beverly Engel: 

The Emotionally Absent Mother



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I do that. Thank you for all of your encouragement. It means more than you may know.

Thursday Sep 15, 2022

always keep going strong hun ..... I know that you try your hardest..... Grumpy Ole Bear Huggs

Thursday Sep 15, 2022

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